We have many years of experiences in landscape gardening, interior decoration, garden maintenance, monthly flower rental service, pest control, etc. We offer garden design in Chinese, Japanese, Thai,
P鮮花及禮籃 / 園藝及盆栽Pn G環保綠化

Established in 1989, Infocan's business focus is to provide information technology enabling and skills transfer services to organization users. Enable means to turn hardware and software products int
I手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫Infocan Computer (H.K.) Ltd.

Our Mission : Providing Peace-of-mind Technology & One-Stop Tailor-made Services to Customers About us: As a member in a group, Mactronic Business Systems Ltd. (MBS) has been established since 11
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫美加商業系統有限公司

Floriade offers a wide range of flower arrangements in bouquets, baskets and an assortment of greenery and floral accessories that are all perfect for heartfelt expression at any occasion. Our floris

Floriade offers a wide range of flower arrangements in bouquets, baskets and an assortment of greenery and floral accessories that are all perfect for heartfelt expression at any occasion. Our floris

AMY GAO實力名校 求進取勝 由香港學術評審局美容化妝學科專家帶領的Amy Gao化妝造型培訓學校,是一所時尚化妝、美髮、美甲、高清噴槍化妝、影像及整體形象核心為一體的培訓學校。是香港具有權威性的化妝形象造型學校,憑著專業及創新理念為業屆服務。自千禧年開設以來,培養無數專業精英,推薦他們入行,成為業內人士。在05年期間,再創中國培訓基地“香港艾美高(杭州)專業化妝造型培訓學校&r

Detailed Information: Our experienced gardeners create a new look for plants by twisting their stems. Address : P.O. Box 89044, Kowloon City, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Contact : Mr Yeung Phone No. : (852)

It is suitable for private or public garden.To create a miniature of natural environment in your garden, a rock mountain could not be missed. It is suitable for private or public garden. Address : P.

掌握改變!成為別人眼中的 魅力情人 ! Website: http://www.btlforyou.com/consultant/Annie ( 現已多達 500 多張相片供參考 ) 專業美容化妝師 Annie Siu 從旁為妳指導,特別專注幫妳了解自己的面形線條特性, 讓你在 找到屬於自己外在形象特質, 創造非人人可的個別化妝技巧 !! 讓您成為受大眾歡迎,由內到外散發魅力的理想情人! Ann
s美容 / 教學進修sharingblue

COMTEC Technology Asia Limited , located on the World Wide Industrial Center in Shatin, Hong Kong, is a hi-tech, micro-machining, CAD/CAM/CNC computer systems facility. This facility was one of the f

FUNERAL With dedicated floral tributes, we believe it would bring a symbol of peace and eternal life to people. Flowers are forever best wishes to our beloved ones. Service We are specialized in flor
G鮮花及禮籃 / 帛事鮮花Greenfingers Florist

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花莊 Woody House has been established since 1997. We offer superb quality of fresh flowers, creative designs and professional services to our customers. Woody House specializes in fresh flowers bouquet

Professional Makeup Course 專業潮流化妝師速成班 (4 -6 人班) 極速學會<明星雜誌 化妝 技術>!! 自用入行均適合~ 全程由 <行內著名星級化妝學校導師> 業餘親自授課 - 專業潮流指標, 真正星級之選!! 創新獨特教法 , 多年經驗亳無保留傳授, 成功 令學員以最短時間 , 熟練潮流妝容描繪及專業知識. 每班低至 2-4 人, 加強導師
M美容 / 教學進修Makeup Secret

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T設計 / 電腦動畫T2 Studio

花莊 Woody House has been established since 1997. We offer superb quality of fresh flowers, creative designs and professional services to our customers. Woody House specializes in fresh flowers bouquet

JustHK 香港魅力 創辦 / 負責人 : Charles Yeung 聯絡:( 852 ) 96855688 香港魅力. www.JustHK.com 2000 年 4 月 13 日註冊成立;性質是透過互聯網絡系統,提供網絡分享。 JustHK.com 是一個提供攝影相關的商業註冊網站;取名由於是以香港為基地,故名稱以 JUST 四個英文字為首。 我們歡迎有素質的影友和模特兒,成為我們論壇的

超過 90% 患有過敏症的人士會對塵蟎產生過敏反應 我們温暖的床, 居住-種微生物,名叫塵蟎,它以人類的死皮作為食物,它能 引致過敏性的哮喘、鼻敏感及皮膚炎。 甚麼是塵蟎致敏原? 關於塵蟎的最常見謬誤就是塵蟎本身會引發患者的過敏反應,事實上塵蟎的排泄物及已死塵蟎的身體殘骸才帶有致敏的物質─一種存在於塵蟎消化系統內之酵素,一隻塵蟎每日可以產生 20 夥排泄物。有人估計一個使用了兩年的枕頭當中有一成
H商業 / 清潔及滅蟲HygienitechHK

We also supply imported plant materials, seeds and turf of different varieties and sizes from Thailand, Malaysia, Netherlands, US, Australia, etc. We are well experienced and specialize in handling l
鮮花及禮籃 / 園藝及盆栽新五月花園藝有限公司

WEDDING Customer-made floral decoration is in great demand. Being familiar with local wedding venues, churches we have up-to-date knowledge of detail floor plan, venue setting & facilities provid
G鮮花及禮籃 / 新娘花球Greenfingers Florist Co., Ltd
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